Local and International eCommerce is specially designed to provide extensive knowledge and complete guidelines to build your online store in Pakistani marketplaces and make it a brand. Learn to create your own store, deal with legal aspects, manage sourcing, selling, logistics, marketing and generate sales within the Pakistani market and then scale it internationally. This boot camp is an opportunity to play your role to boost Pakistan’s manufacturing industry and get a chance to do your own profitable business with excellent customer reviews and ratings. Become a Pakistani entrepreneur and get recognition worldwide.
1. Introduction to Shopify and E-Commerce
Understanding the Basics of Ecommerce
What is Shopify? Why is it better than Amazon?
Difficulties in Pakistan for Ecommerce for the next 10 years
Types of Ecommerce (WL, PL, DS)
2. Investment Definition/Cashflow
What is the Minimal and the Optimal Investment for E-Commerce
How a Business Thrives with a healthy investment
Understanding the Need of a Stable Cashflow
How to use 80/20 rule in business
3. Product Hunting
Using Daraz for Product hunting
Calculations and Attributions for Pricing
Product Features / Problem Solving factor.
Product Sourcing (Internationally / Locally)
4. Setting Up your Shopify Store
Types of Shopify Stores
Creating a Strong Marketing Funnel
Customer Journey analysis and Payment methods.
reating a Digital persona for your brand as a website
Using Brand Logo and Color palette for Brand Identity
Catchy headlines and Proper Policies
5. COD Companies and Their Problems
Opening a COD account
Understanding the logic behind daily Orders output and its affection to your business
Best courier company for Ecommerce and their Reputation in the market
Dropshipping Suppliers problems
6. Marketing / Advertising
What Role does Advertising play in the business?
Why do we have a testing phase?
How to test new audiences with proper cash management?
Lookalike audiences and how they are the golden adsets.
Proper Marketing Funnel using TOFU//MOFU//BOFU
Retargeting warm audiences
Proper Ads management using different strategies for Dropshipping or White/Private Label
7. Creatives Info
What to TARGET in an Ad and breaking down segments of an AD.
What is the best software to use for Editing?
How to read customer psychology for products using colors.
Perfect your brand identity in an advertisement
8. Customer Dealing Experience
Why is it important to have good Customer Service?
How to deal with returns/ Cancellations.
9. Finances and Budgeting
How to calculate daily budget for marketing
How to deal with returns/ Cancellations.
Determining the profitable amount of return ratio required for a price range
Investment calculations for stock and marketing and average the ROI(Return on investment)